Date : August/September 2006 Prepared by: Sdr. Yau Chau Fong,
1 Day Course On Public Address System 21st August 2006 The course was conducted by Mr. MR. FOONG YEAP AND MR. NG TECK LIH and was a joint effort with the electrical engineering technical division. The purpose of this course is to provide an overall understanding of the latest Building Safety Intelligence (BSI) trend in most of today’s intelligent high-rise buildings. This course will also provide a comprehensive guide on designing a complete Public Address system to comply with the current BSI trend and introduce the renowned patent pending Early Evacuation System (EES).
The first ever gathering that focuses on the interactive session among the student engineers and graduate engineers has finally unfolded after months of preparation.
It's a project held under the Engineering Society of University Malaya and a subproject of Institution of Engineers Malaysia, Membership Drive (IEMMD) co-organised with IEM GS for the very first time. It played host to more than 120 young engineers and undergrads from various universities like KUKTEM, USM, UNITEN, UM, KUITTHO, TARC, INTI and UIA. (pic shown above is the family photo of IEMMD 06).
The following are the highlights of the event
On 16th September 06 (Sat) Station games:
Complete your task before collecting your souvenirs :)
Sharing session:
engineers are sitting in front....answering questions
Membership Drive:
Ivan was giving presentation
Team Up!! by Mr Rizal:
Doing dancing during talk session for the 1st time...Everyone is enjoying.
Prepared by: Lee Mei Ping (MMU Melaka) Edited by: Alex Tan Yew Aik
IEM G&S’s Student Representative Council (SRC) Master Plan Review Workshop 2006 at PD trip!!!
IEM G&S’s Student Representative Council (SRC) Master Plan Review Workshop 2006 which is held in Port Dickson is an intervarsity activity which gathers engineering student society’s representatives from universities all around Malaysia.
The main objective of this master plan review workshop is to engage student representative of each engineering society in open discussion on future role of IEM Student Representative Council and interaction with students. IEM G&S would like to obtain feedback on effectiveness of IEM Student Membership Drives and the services to meet Engineering students and society’s needs.
By achieving the objectives, this year SRC Leadership Camp theme's is "The Way Forward". So, for the brainstorming session, it seperated into two sessions. First session will be "Understand The Past", which it's a opportunity for IEM G&S to really understand the difference nature of activity and cultural for each university. Second session is "Plan The Future", which IEM G&S gives opportunity for each university society to express out what assistance that they really need from IEM G&S.
With the success of previous years SRC gathering, they realized the importance of having such a gathering and subsequently, the IEM G&S has decided to establish this type of activity as an annual activity.
We really had a great time at Port Dickson during tat weekend!!!*grinz*
Everyone enjoyed and cherish the event.
Anyway,here are some photos taken during the event:
Welcome to Sunshine Bay resort.This is the apartment that we stayed during our 3 days,2 nights camp
one for an album~
everyone enjoyed the bbq...*grinz*
thumbs up!!!
and so,this are the food tat we had for bbq.hahaha...
come on..let's run away with the food~~~
Discussion among student representatives from other universities
Presentation on Discussion Result (Tranditional Method)
Presentation on Discussion Result (Modern Method)
Very concentrated audiences to others presentation
Lunch Break ...
Multimedia University (Melaka Campus) [MMU]
University Islamic Antarabangsa [UIA]
Kolej Universiti Kejuruteraan & Teknologi Malaysia [KUKTEM]
University Sabah Malaysia [UMS]
Monash University Malaysia & University Malaya [UM]
Swinburne University of Technology (Sarawak, Malaysia Campus)
University Putra Malaysia [UPM]
University Science Malaysia (Engineering Campus) [USM]