Tuesday, June 29, 2010

IEM G&S-YES session 2010/11 Meeting

IEM G&S-YES session 2010/11 Meeting

The New Committee members

Finally AGM is over, retreat with fruitful ideas was done.
Coming up next would definitely be our 1st meeting to discuss and to realise what's discussed thus far. Join us to serve our engineering fraternity better.
Details as follows:

Date: 30th June 2010 (Wednesday)
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Bangunan Ingeneur, 2nd floor

Make it happen!
We'll see you then.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

AGM + PI Workshop


Just a reminder to all...
If you do not want to miss out the highlight of the event,
then follow up the below information closely.

It will be held as follows:
Date: This Saturday, 19th June 2010
Time: 2.00pm
Venue: Auditorium Tan Sri Prof. Chin Fung Kee, Wisma IEM, PJ

It is not just AGM but if you're an engineer,
then you should attend.

A PI workshop will be carried out
to inform the possible changes for the PE application.
Interested to become a PE?
Then hope to see you this saturday.

Competition Designing Fun Game for Booth IEM Family Day

Competition Designing Fun Game for Booth IEM Family Day

A good news to all Malaysian university engineering societies!!
If you are creative, love organizing activities and meeting people,
then following announcement will be just right for you.

IEM G&S-YES would like to invite all Engineering Society in Malaysian universities

to participate in designing a fun game for booth on IEM Family Day 2010.

Details as follows:

Date: 25 July 2010 (Sunday)

Venue: Taman Jaya Lake, Petaling Jaya

As an encouragement to participants,
budget will be provided to expenses spent on game and banner.
So join us and join the fun!

For further details please contact Engr. Navinderan Mageswaran,
hashteru_mpk04@yahoo.com or 016-977 8919.

Interested candidates please reply before 28 June 2010.